The illumenai platform uses a small, cost effective sound dampening circuit to reduce the effective noise in low/medium frequency bands. This capability is built into every sensor module, so will provide high resolution coverage of your space.
White noise is effective in improving the mood and performance of workers by masking background office noise (Ref), and improves participant’s learning abilities and their recognition memory slightly (Ref).
Real-time sensor information from 10 separate sensors, as well as external environmental factors, is analyzed continuously to feed the algorithms that power the intelligence of the system.
Sound dampening can be activated in every sensor array, which ensures high density coverage in your space, reducing the negative effects of ambient noise.
Noise generation
Each unit assesses the ambient noise in its location and adjusts the level of dampening accordingly.
The noise dampening can be adjusted for each space by adjusting individual frequency bands using simple equalizer sliders.
Space detection
When utilized alongside the lighting capability, the White noise capability can use a form of echo-location to assess the reflectivity of a space and adjust the lighting brightness to better suit the space.
Using Fourier analysis, the platform can assess different sound types, such as breaking glass.